Upcoming events

Discover all our upcoming events:

- Tuesday May 28: Presentation “Studying in England, the Netherlands or the USA: what are the differences? - 5.30pm - Studio Molière association room


 - Saturday June 1: discover American Football at the Vikings' 1st match of the season


 - Tuesday June 4: “High Sensitivity in children: better understanding and accompanying your child” workshop - 6pm - Studio Molière association room 


 - Tuesday June 11: Workshop on Non-Violent Communication (NVC) - 6 p.m. -  Studio Molière association room.   


- Saturday June 15: discover American Football at the Vienna Vikings vs. Berlin match


- Friday June 14: Maternelle end-of-year party in Grinzing, in the afternoon, organized in collaboration with the Grinzing team and the 2 parents' associations, UPEL and APE.  


- Tuesday June 18: Apéro Fresque du Climat - 5:30 pm - Studio Molière association room  


-  Friday June 21: 3rd elementary school fête, organized in collaboration with LFV management and the 2 parents' associations, UPEL and APE.  

Schedule for the exams in 2024:

Matura: May 2

DNB and Matura orals: mid- and end-May


End of Terminale school year: May 17

End of 1ere year : May 29


French Baccalaureate exams (1ere): June 3

KP Matura: June 3

Bac Philosophie: June 4

Bac Speciality 1: June 5

Bac Speciality 2: June 6

DNB (Diplôme Nationale du Brevet): June 10/11

"Oraux Bac Français": June 17 to 21

"Stage Seconde" (internship) : June 17 to 24

"Oraux Stage" 2de (intership oral): June 26 and 27

Bac diploma ceremony: June 27

Calendar for the 24/25 school year subject to validation by AEFE management
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Program for welcoming new families to the LFV on Saturday, September 2, 23
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Schoolyear 2023/2024
Calendrier scolaire site LFV 2022-2023.p
Document Adobe Acrobat 188.4 KB
Vacation 2023/2024
vacances scolaires 2023-2024.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 210.9 KB